Specialized in the creation of high quality inks and varnishes, already ISO 9001 certified, VFP Ink Technologies is now ISO 14001 certified !
Concerned about the environment and its ecological impact, VFP Ink Technologies demonstrates environmental responsability through its products and actions by matching the ISO 14001 standard.
What purpose ?
Be a part of a dynamic of continuous improvement of more secure, eco-responsible and environmentally friendly manufacturing process.
Focus : What is ISO 14001 certification ?
The ISO 14001 is a globally recognized standard that establishes specific requirements in terms of environmental management.
It aims to improve the environmental performance of a company by considering all environmental issues related to its operations, such as air pollution, water and wastewater management, contamination of soil, climate change mitigation and efficient use of resources.
To learn more about ISO 14001 certification, click here😊
How does VFP Ink Technologies obtain ISO 14001 certification ?
Long-term work over many years on the following 5 areas :
- Reducing as much as possible the use of CMR products (carcinogenic, mutagenic, reprotoxic) and compounds with restrictives VLEP.
Reducing and improve waste sorting.
Reducing the release of fine particles into the atmosphere.
Optimizing our energy expenditure.
Limiting the use of raw materials emitting VOC (volatile organic compounds).
- Standard 14001 at Saint-Christol-Les-Alès.